viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

1. What is data?
Data is information that has no meaning.
2. Explain the difference between data and information.
Data it isn't information, information it's data with meaning.
3. How many bits are in a byte? and in a gigabyte? and in a kilobyte or KB?
In a byte are 8 bites,in a gigabyte are 1.073.741.824 bytes, in a kilobyte are 1024 bytes
Serch the net for a image of: 25KB. Post it in your blog.
4. What do the letters LAN and WAN stand for?

LAN (Local Area Network) are the networks that you see in most offices and schools.

WAN (Wide Area Nework) They are usedwhen the computers that need to be connected togheter are in different places.
5. Search the internet and look for images that explains what is:

A star network

A line network

A ring network

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009


>This is the Manu's blog.
Enjoy it!!!